St Mary’s Choir is a flourishing part of the life of our church, comprising up to a dozen junior trebles and adult singers. The choir is fully active, rehearsing every Thursday evening in the Choir Vestry.
The choir leads the music every Sunday at our 10:30AM Eucharist and at Choral Evensong (6PM, third Sunday of the month). Our services' broad range of styles provide the chance to sing a great variety of music. The choir also sings at weddings, funerals and at special occasions including Passiontide services, Remembrance Sunday and our hugely popular Carol Service. St Mary's Choir welcomes new singers of all ages and voices.
There are lots of chances to sing beyond St Mary's, too, including the annual Harrow Deanery Choirs Festival, and the biennial RSCM London Area Festival at St Paul’s Cathedral. Our choir is proud to be affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) and follows their Voice for Life training scheme. Many choir members have taken their singing further, joining the choirs of St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Cathedral, Wells Cathedral and the National Youth Choir. Andrew Carwood, Director of Music at St Paul’s Cathedral, is a former St Mary’s chorister.

Interested in Joining?
St. Mary's choir welcomes singers of all ages and backgrounds. If you are interested in joining, please feel free to speak to any of our adult members following our main Eucharist service on Sunday at 10AM.